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it's someonelse's dream apartment.
Mushroom's peer-to-peer platform connects the person moving out
of an apartment with the person who wants to move in.
Tenants who register their apartment on Mushrooms make an average of 30 - 100k when they move out. Give tours to people who want to move in and when the next tenant is approved you get a refund.
Register your apartment“It's one of the easiest ways to make money.”
Kemefa Harry, CEO at Mushrooms
Mushrooms platform lets you search for apartments and sign a new lease up to 90 days in advance. Goodbye to house hunting wahala.
Browse Apartments“Mushrooms shows you exclusive info about apartments to rent months before they become vacant.”
Rahim Momoh, COO at Mushrooms
How much of your rent are you coughing up as fees? 30%, 40%? Well mushrooms saves you from all these surging overhead costs.
Find a Home“Mushrooms is a platform where tenants help tenants rent, no middle man.”
Oseiwe Ehiremhen, CFO at Mushrooms
Renters and Tenant safety is incredibly important to us. That's why we've introduced virtual tour requests.
Join Mushrooms if you're looking for a new BFF to live with or just need someone to move in and split the rent.
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